Care Area

Compassion and Relief Efforts

Food & Clothing Closet Donation Drop-off: Thursdays 9:00am-3:00pm

CARE Services

Food Pantry

Serving all Little Rock zip codes, the Food Pantry is open every Tuesday (with the exception of the fifth Tuesday of a given month) from 10:00am-1:30pm. Clients may attend the Food Pantry one Tuesday per month and are required to provide documentation showing proof of residency and valid identification.

Reservations are encouraged and may be made by calling (501) 396-3333 on Monday's between 10:00am-1:00pm the day before the scheduled pantry visit.
Due to high call volume, we encourage you to continue to call the line until someone answers.

Multi-Day Summer Food Boxes for Families | Pulaski County Special School District
  • No requirements or registration
  • Families with children 18 and under
  • June 6 - August 8, Thursday from 7:00-11:00am
  • Distribution at Mills University High School in Little Rock and Cato Elementary in Sherwood

Clothing Closet

Everyone has a basic need for clothing and hygiene items. We are fortunate to receive many donations and have multiple volunteers to sort and stock them. This gives us the opportunity to work with organizations and ministries in our community to resource them with clothing and small household items. If we are the clothes provider, organizations can spend their valuable time investing in those who benefit from their specific gifts and talents.

Our Clothing Closet serves many roles:
Tuesday 10am-1:30pm – Food Pantry visitors shop during their reservation time
Wednesday (time varies) – Re-Entry Program Shopping
Thursday 9am-3pm – Donation Drop off & CALL Mall Shopping

Dental Clinic

Our dental clinic opened in August of 2021, and provides extractions and restorative procedures to those in need. We are open on the second Friday of each month from 8:00am – 10:30am. We operate on a first come - first served basis so appointments are not necessary.
Qualifications are:
• No dental insurance
• 18 years or older

If you have any additional questions about the dental clinic, please contact:
(501) 396-3355.

Adult Education

Our adult education classroom is operated through a partnership with the Pulaski County Special School District (PCSSD). They offer a multitude of classes including GED, Wage Certificates, and Career Readiness Certificates.

Our adult education area operates:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30-11:30am and 12:30-2:30 pm

For more information about our Adult Education courses, please call (501) 396-3356.

Rental Space

We have approximately 40,000 square feet, which includes classroom space, meeting space, a warming kitchen, and much more.

Our commons area is set up with tables, chairs and couches for an informal gathering place. 
We can service 849 individuals in theatre style seating or 400 individuals with banquet style seating in the auditorium. Our auditorium is set up with the latest technology, including a state of the art 32 ft screen with mirroring screens, incredible sound quality, and much more.